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Wine Bloggers Conference '16 - Day One

What a great way to start a weekend. I'm attending the Wine Bloggers Conference for the first time and I lucked out because it is in my backyard, Lodi. The day started out with a carpool out of SFO with Amanda of Around the World in 80 Harvests, Doug of Wine and Food World and Elizabeth of Sincerely Wine. It was a great car trip and those are hard to come by.

The opening night reception was held at Mohr-Fry Ranches. I didn't get to see a peacock, but i did get to see beautiful vines, enjoy amazing food, taste incredible wines and meet fascinating people. As much as I enjoyed the wine's such as Masthead, Scotto Cellars Blogger blended wine and Heritage Oak's Petit Verdot I enjoyed meeting fellow bloggers even more. A few of them are mentioned below.

Ecco is the Virginia Wine Dog and has a paw based rating system. Chris Kassel has written a book on Lodi that I'm excited to read, Starstruck in Lodi Again. Some of the other people I met were Michael Kelly, who runs California Wines and Wineries, Linda with From Vinho Verde to Barolo with Love & Total Wine, Christine of Girls Go Grape, Josh of The Vine Less Traveled and Debra the Director of the largest Asian wine competition, among many other things. Thaddeus of The Minority Wine Report was also kind enough to share a sample of Turley's Dogtown Zin, which was stunning. Finally, it was great to run into someone I know in real life, Jill of Qorkz.

I'm not sure what Friday holds but I have one clue, it involves Picpoul.

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